Why Do I Need a Graphic Designer?
August 2, 2012
Reading Time: 3 minutes
The Fastest. The Best. The Cheapest. Probably the top three things a client is hoping to find when seeking a graphic designer.
With our experience, you really do get what you pay for, and to get all three… lucky? More often than not, yes. If you always end up being driven by the best price, you can often end up compromising on the other two. So what is the point of this blog? To stress the importance of seeking professional graphic design if you want to gain competitive edge in the market, and to stress what a professional outfit can do for your business.
Just because you have Photoshop does not make you a Graphic Designer! We’re sorry, but it had to be said. Our graphic design team knows how to use the many important tools and elements of design, and how to combine what looks good with what is going to work – the power of collaboration and having a team behind your project… what is that saying, 2 heads are better than 1? 3 heads are better than 2? So to get the design you want, hire fabulous and talented graphic designers (like ninetyblack) that know how to do it right, efficiently and effectively. After all, that is what the training, education and student loan was all for, right?
Be remembered
So why does your business need graphic design? You only get one first impression so you may as well make it count. The best way to do that is to have a well-crafted identity. Lets face it, the world just keeps getting bigger, better, faster, stronger… and with that, so do the number of businesses out there. To market your business effectively and competitively you need to look the part, catch peoples eye, be remembered.
Every design created should be unique to every client and business. It is a competition between you and every other company in your field. If you go to a designer and get your identity created for you, you are getting an unbiased, honest and qualified representation of yourself and your business and this can be adapted to be used in any form of marketing from print to web and everything in between.
Be professional
Once you have your beautifully designed identity get everything printed at a highly regarded professional printer. Sometimes a design is only as good as the print – and when print goes wrong, it’s a designers nightmare, cringe worthy! You don’t want all that money spent on design to be ruined by a printer that cuts corners, and have it all turn to rubbish because you wanted to save a few dollars. So ask your designer “can you handle my print management?”. If they’re like ninetyblack, they’ll act as print brokers – only dealing with quality printers, and fighting to get the best price for you. Don’t waste your time researching this stuff, you have a business to run. Leave it to the people who know what they’re doing. We know how to talk finishes, stocks, digital, offset etc.
Stand out
A quick note. Identities/brands work well for big companies but sometimes can work even better for small businesses. If you have a well-designed brand it helps you stand out and compete with the big boys… you might even become a customers first choice! So how do you want to be perceived? Don’t let your identity go out there in jeans and a t-shirt, sharpen up and project the right image.
Consistency is one of the best tools in your marketing toolbox. Your design team would have created a brand that seamlessly rolls out in your stationery, marketing material, products, merchandise, and everything else you could possibly need thus maintaining brand consistency and integrity. Even though it sounds like common sense, it is scary how often the importance of this is ignored. Consistency is your brand’s safety net because it means that no matter what a person sees or picks up, it all ties back and connects to your business and your message.